DIDDLE MANTRAS This humiliation audio file will help you continue on your path of being a pussy-free, porn-addicted, perverted weirdo- needing to do things like perv on toesies, make pig...Read More
Toesie Freak This Femdom hypnosis session will turn you into an extreme pervert for toesies. You will become ridiculously obsessed with female toes, especially if they are painted. Your toesie...Read More
Luxury Vegas Pics Here is a very special photo package from my glamorous trip to Las Vegas- arranged just for you! You will see selfies I took while out and...Read More
Porn Cuck This erotic audio file will brainwash you to imagine yourself as the cuckold in every "vanilla" porn video you watch. You will seek out female porn stars that...Read More
Shiny Black Kissies Capitalizing on this custom lipstick fetish clip I made for a fan! “You’re wearing black lipstick and pale face makeup. Pure kisses clip with a close up...Read More